Laser Hair Reduction

Laser hair reduction brings big benefits to men and women in La Mesa

Throughout recorded history, men and women have worked to remove unwanted hair for cultural, medical, sexual, or religious reasons. Today, it is more a matter of fashion and comfort. Dr. Christopher Crosby brings the benefits of permanent laser more

Laser Treatment

CA dermatologist sheds light on laser treatment

When the first laser was built in 1960, few people thought this innovation would become part of our everyday lives. Yet today we rely on laser technology at the grocery store checkout, to print from our computers, and more


CA patients learn what to expect after the sclerotherapy procedure

Your legs have carried you through some of the best times of your life – down the aisle, soothing sick babies, across the dancefloor, and tearing up the links. The sclerotherapy procedure for spider and lesser varicose veins more

Featured Article

La Mesa, CA dermatologist explains when psoriasis treatments are needed

An estimated 7.5 million Americans have psoriasis. Although it is more prevalent in adults, psoriasis spans all ages. About 40 percent of those who live with this chronic skin condition also experience psoriatic arthritis – joint pain and more

Skin Cancer/Melanoma

Accurate diagnosis by La Mesa, CA dermatologist determines best skin cancer treatments

Skin cancer does not discriminate. Anyone of either gender or any ethnicity, age, or lifestyle can develop it. Fortunately, today’s patient has more options in skin cancer treatments than ever before. It starts with accurate diagnosis at Grossmont more

Skin Cancer/Melanoma

La Mesa, CA physicians offer skin cancer treatments such as surgical excision for melanoma treatment

Skin cancer is a common visible cancer and is a problem everyone needs to keep in mind. 1 in 5 Americans will have a basal cell carcinoma at some point in their lives. For patients near La Mesa, CA, more

Coastal Skin & Eye Institute/Grossmont Dermatology